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How to create a first-class rental application

Jan 20, 2021

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Being knocked back in a competitive rental market is disheartening – particularly with the current world challenges at play right now.  Especially if your Saturday mornings are replaced by a 4-hour dart across suburbs, from house to house on a wild goose chase to find a home which is mildly suitable!

First thing is first, remember who you need to impress! It is not always the owner, but property managers are looking for the perfect candidate to suit the property, the terms and the overall tenancy.



A great way to stand out is to treat the open home as if it were almost a job interview. First impressions last. Dress smart, be on time, introduce yourself to the property manager, and just be genuine. Remember: The landlord is often advised which tenant is the most suitable!


It is ideal to get yourself, your housemates or partner organised BEFORE you head out to all the inspections. Time is of the essence when you're competing with 10 other couples that may have impeccable rental history.

If possible, get a copy of the application prior to the inspection. Often you can apply through the online 1Form, otherwise you are welcome to print the SPACE Application form.

  • Primary Photo ID (E.g. Driver's licence, Passport, Student Photo ID, Proof of Age Card)
  • Employment / Proof of Income (Payslips, letter of Employment, Bank Statement, Centrelink Statement)
  • Rental history details (e.g. Copy of Lease agreement, Agency contact details, tenant ledger, utility bill)
  • Pet information (If applicable, e.g. Breed, Age, Registration)
  • Elected emergency contact

If you are applying with other applicants, make sure all applications are completed on time so the agency isn't waiting.


After your application, your next chance to impress the property manager is with your references. Contact your references beforehand and give them the heads up that you are applying for another property, so they are not caught off guard. If you have a pet, it is recommended to ask if they include them in the reference, or even potentially source a reference from your pet sitter, dog walker, vet etc.


If you really love a place and are genuinely interested in a property - show it! Feel free to ask questions about the property (i.e. how long the lease is, when is it available from etc). Tell the agent what you like about the place and when you can move in. (It is also a good way for you to also get to know your Property Manager).

If the property manager receives a lot of applications, they may remember your enthusiasm, eagerness to move in and genuine interest in the property when it comes to selecting a tenant and move your application to the top of the pile.



Another way to make your application appealing to the agent and landlord is to offer to pay two or three months rent in advance. This illustrates that you’re smart with money and have healthy savings giving them reassurance about your financial position.


Two or three days after you’ve submitted your application shoot the agent an email or give them a call to check in on the progress of your application and gauge the level of interest they have received.

To get in the agent’s good graces and at the very least make sure they know your name, let them know that you’re very interested in the property and that you’re more than happy to provide any further information or answer any questions they may have. A brief email will help put you front of mind when they’re reviewing the applications and remind them of your sincere interest and can-do attitude.

Remember: Property Managers are often bombarded in the peak seasons, so try not to over-communicate to them. We wont forget you!


If you’re application is successful make sure you’re prepared to pay the bond straight away and first month’s rent, and you’re available to go in to sign the lease.