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Entry Reports: Are They Important?

By SPACE Property

Jul 30, 2019

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So you have found the perfect rental home and can't wait to move in. Amongst the mayhem of packing and unpacking boxes and assembling furniture, one vitally important task which can sometimes be overlooked is completing the Entry Condition Report!

This gives you, the tenant, the chance to note the overall condition of the property and some items which might have been overlooked.

How Does The Entry Condition Report Work?

Prior to you moving in, our Asset Managers with thoroughly inspect the property looking out for:

  1. Items which may need repair
  2. Any light damages/dents incurred over time
  3. Noting all of the fixtures and/or fittings included with the tenancy

They will then prepare this all into the "Entry Condition Report" with the addition of photographs reflecting the current state.

This Entry Condition Report will resemble the condition of the property at the time of the beginning of your tenancy agreement.

What Do You Need To Do?

At the beginning of your tenancy, along with collecting the keys, you will receive a copy of this detailed report (keep it in an obvious and safe place).

It is important for you to now take the time to complete the same form with the addition of any comments that our Asset Managers might have missed.  You are welcome to include any photographs that may assist with your responses.

We recommend for you to do this report prior to the Moving Van arrive (where possible).

You must then sign and return the form back to our Asset Managers within three (3) business days from the start of your tenancy.

If the Entry Condition Report does not require any amendments, then you are welcome to continue with your moving in and unpacking without completing the form.

It is important to note that if you don't complete an Entry Condition Report they it is assumed that you accept the property as is, without changes.


At the end of the tenancy, your Asset Manager will compare this condition report with their final property inspection.

So we do suggest for you to take the time to thoroughly go over the property, report in hand, before you begin arranging the furniture, because the transition will be so much easier for all parties when it's eventually time to move on.