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Surprise Perks Of Selling During Holiday Season

Dec 14, 2020

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Whilst you may notice the "For Sale" signs being removed to make way for the Christmas decor, and it might seem outlandish to engage in a marketing campaign right before the family tribe arrive, but there are some clear advantages to selling during the holiday season.

Keeping in mind that this is the time when many people start to take a break - from work, from school, and from listing their homes. This is your chance to grab the attention of some more serious buyers!


Here are some major advantages you can expect when selling your home during the holiday season:

Less Competition.

The highly competitive "Spring Selling Season" is now over, with many sellers on the look-out for their next property - Big Fish, Smaller Pond!

More Motivated Buyers.

Odds are that there are a number of people that missed out on purchasing their dream home during the Spring Season so, right now, the house-hunters probably have a good reason for looking. They may need to move quickly — and close quickly, to your advantage. These serious buyers may also be more excited during the cheer of the holiday season and could be more likely to make an offer at the price you’re asking.

Festive Staging.

An excellent time to showcase what makes your home so special, especially your target market is families. You can dress it up with holiday lights and festive front door wreath, but remember to keep the yard simple and moderate.

Holiday Mindset.

It’s the beginning of summer, a time of celebration and happiness, there’s less working and more socialising and people are feeling a little more relaxed and cheerful. Serious buyers have more time to hunt out and view potential homes. Along with a ‘New Year – New Home’ state of mind, happy buyers are also amenable to negotiation and are often looking for an early new year move in date, resulting in an expedient and relatively pain free sale for all parties.

Rental Transit:

The Christmas and New Year period is a busy time for the rental market. Leases are up and people need to think about their next move. Do they opt for another rental property, or maybe it’s finally the right time to buy? Your home could be just what they are looking for.