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How To Make A Moving Process Seamless

By Naked Writers

Jul 24, 2019

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The all exciting and the horridly dreading day.. MOVING DAY.

Yes a fresh start and opportunity to rid the overwhelming storage piles but we would be lying if we said that it is a seamless and stress free process (no matter how organised you are things always pop up)!

So the best idea before you start the moving process is to plan! Set a budget and be a master organiser - work out a moving schedule.

We have put together a list of tips to help you simplify your moving process and (try) to reduce the stress.


The best way to avoid getting stressed out is to start planning things in advance. Not only will starting early ensure that you don’t need to take any unplanned days off work, but it will also help you enjoy packing, without feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work awaiting you.


Having to pack and move all of your belongings is a great chance to go through your stuff and check the things you have hoarded over the years, that probably no longer bring you any value.

Go through your closets, shoeboxes, and junk drawers and check how much of your things you actually use in your everyday life. Most probably, you’ll have a couple of pieces that you haven’t used in at least a year.

Even though your prom dress or that old t-shirt with a picture of your favourite band might carry some dear memories, if they just hang there in your wardrobe, they are clutter.


Instead of packing everything at once, simplify the move by going through the process room-by-room. This will save you a lot of time, not only during the packing but the unpacking as well.

Moreover, by choosing to focus on one room at a time, you will be able to escape the “don’t know where to start” feeling, and end each day with a feeling of ease, as you cross out a room or two off your list.


No matter how organised you are, you will not be able to unpack everything on the first day. Also, since you will be packing room by room, if you don’t create a “day one” box of essentials, you will end up opening twenty boxes just to take a shower and find the chargers for your laptop and phone.


Well, it all depends on your personal preferences and needs, but a couple of things are a must: personal hygiene items, at least two outfits, pyjamas, pillows, chargers, dishware, and toiletries. Think about your daily routine and make sure that you have packed the bare essentials that you will need right when you move in, first.


The more organised you are during the packing, the easier the unpacking will be. To know where everything goes in the new place, instead of just throwing all boxes together, you need to create a labeling system that works for you.

Use index cards to write down the contents of each of the boxes. Put screws, bolts, nuts and any other small, easy – to – lose items in separate small boxes or plastic bags that are clearly labeled as well.

But don’t stop there – also write down the room the things belong to on the moving box itself. This way you will know what belongs in which room, and you can use the above - mentioned “one room at a time” method for the unpacking.

Usually, you need to unpack the bathroom, bedroom, and kitchen first, and then the rest of the house. Naturally, you will need a place to rest and refresh after a long day of moving. You will also need to eat, but as the kitchen takes the longest to unpack and tidy up, get to it after your shower and bed are ready.


Although adding hired help to your moving budget will increase your expenses, those extra costs will be money well spent.

Cleaning the new place will be the last thing you will want to do after going through days of packing, and a hectic day of moving. Many people that have moved agree – hiring a cleaner is the best idea to make moving less burdensome.

When it comes to hiring movers, opinions go both ways. Some people prefer saving money and doing the moving by themselves: they will simply hire a truck and ask their friends and family to help out. Others swear by hiring a moving crew to ensure a smooth move, avoid breaking pieces of the furniture, or any injuries during the process.

If you decide to hire a moving company, make sure you book the crew for as early in the day as you can. No matter how experienced they are, moving crews are human as well, which means that they do get tired and their energy and productivity levels are not the same during the entire day.

Keep in mind that movers have more than one appointment per day, which means that if you are the last job on their schedule, they will be tired and not as productive as they would be if you booked their help for the beginning of the day.

Also, consider moving on weekdays, as hiring companies don’t have an unlimited number of trucks, and many times have to rent extra trucks from other companies to be able to handle all requests.

With most people moving during weekends, the demand for help is lower during these two days, which means that if you can pull off a weekday move, you will be charged less by the movers, as they will not have to rent extra trucks to accommodate your needs.