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House Profits Hit Decade High

Aug 23, 2024

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Australia’s house and unit profit sale prices have hit 16 and 13-year highs, respectively, underpinning the strength of the residential sector as a ‘wealth-building avenue’.

According to Domain’s Profit and Loss Report, 96 per cent of houses and almost 91 per cent of units were resold for a profit last financial year, with regional Australia leading the way.

For the first time, a higher proportion of home owners in the regions sold their properties for a profit compared to their counterparts in cities.

Australia’s house and unit profit sale prices have hit 16 and 13-year highs, respectively, underpinning the strength of the residential sector as a ‘wealth-building avenue’.

According to Domain’s Profit and Loss Report, 96 per cent of houses and almost 91 per cent of units were resold for a profit last financial year, with regional Australia leading the way.

For the first time, a higher proportion of home owners in the regions sold their properties for a profit compared to their counterparts in cities.

*This post was originally published on https://www.theurbandeveloper.com/articles/domain-profit-loss-report-decade-high-2024?utm_source=TUD+Mailing+List&utm_campaign=02a9593ffd-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2021_08_11_01_49_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_982c36d415-02a9593ffd-195663826