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House Prices Still Soaring Despite Lockdowns

Home values are still rising at their fastest pace in more than 30 years despite lockdowns in Australia’s two biggest cities and the foot coming off t

Oct 05, 2021

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They jumped another 1.5 per cent in September, bringing the total increase for the first nine months of the year to 17.6 per cent, according to Corelogic.

Nationally, home values have soared by 20.3 per cent over the past 12 months to a median of $676,848, which is up $8334 from last month.

The annual growth rate is now tracking at its fastest pace since the year ending June 1989.

September house prices: Corelogic

Across regional Australia, however, unit values rose faster than house values in the September quarter.

“This is probably a reflection of stronger demand for downsizing options and holiday homes in popular coastal markets,” Lawless said.

AMP Capital chief economist Shane Oliver said ultra-low mortgage rates, an ongoing relatively low level of homes for sale along with a resumption of economic and jobs market recovery once lockdowns end, pointed to further home price increases ahead, albeit at a slowing rate.

“A surge in listings once lockdowns end could act as a bit of a dampener on price growth,” he said. “But this looks to be more of an issue in Melbourne where listings have fallen sharply in recent weeks and where economic uncertainty is greater, but less so in Sydney where listings have already been increasing.”

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* This post was originally published on www. theurbandeveloper.com, author: Phil Bartsch