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Do You Sell Now or Wait 12 Months?

Feb 11, 2021

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Since the start of 2021 we have certainly seen a new wave of buyers into the market, especially in the inner Western Suburbs. With buyer’s desperately searching for their next home, this is contributing to higher than ever demand levels.

Many of the recent sales we have seen in the last month were from properties which were proving quite difficult to sell last year, at the owner's expected price range. They are now selling above owner's expectation which appears to be happening to all types of properties - houses, units, townhouses, or land.

The biggest question we are hearing from sellers right now is "Should I sell now, or wait until next year to sell my property"

With the current market being great right now for sellers, we can't help but wonder what this will eventuate into the next 12 months. We are, at present, witnessing buyers in a desperate search for their next home which is contributing to higher than ever demand levels.

Also with the challenges at play last year it has outlined more that ever that this future for this year is an unknown..

Brisbane still remains a strong growth prospect and is taking advantage of all the enormous infrastructure opportunities with the future top of mind. With this confidence and the interest rates at an all-time low, demand levels and inner city values will be edging higher than ever.

All signs are pointing to a prosperous year ahead for Brisbane.