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Brisbane dominate school catchment property price growth


Dec 02, 2020

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Brisbane dominate school catchment property price growth: Domain

Greater Brisbane secondary school catchments appear to have a more positive impact on house price growth compared to primary school catchments, according to the Domain 2020 School Zone Report.

Annually, house prices rose across 72% of secondary schools and 61% for primary schools.

The top ten growth rates for primary and secondary school catchment zones ranged from 14% to 29%.This was spread across the city for primary schools while Logan and Moreton Bay North dominated the highest secondary school growth rates.

A larger proportion of secondary school catchments outpaced Greater Brisbane’s house price growth as well as the respective suburb performance.

Prices in some secondary school catchment zones increased nine times faster than in Greater Brisbane. Brisbane featured heavily in the national combined cities top ten, with five primary school catchments making the list.

“The boundary of public school catchment zones can have a huge influence on property decisions and the data suggests certain ones can have a positive effect on house prices,” Domain’s Senior Research Analyst, Dr Nicola Powell said.

“Across Australia’s capital cities the catchments with the biggest increase in house prices were spread across inner, middle and outer suburban locations. School zone price growth performance varied enormously, with neighbouring catchments providing very different outcomes for homeowners. Some school zones in the same postcode, suburb or with overlapping catchment zones varied in the pace or even direction of house price movement.”

“The highest growth rates were across a variety of price-points illustrating the importance of education at all budgets. This highlights the effect falling into a particular school catchment zone can potentially have on property price.”“School catchment zones have always been a crucial factor when deciding where to purchase a home, the ability to work remotely could place additional emphasis on the importance of school catchments. Those on higher wages are more likely to be able to adopt flexible working arrangements, this could place additional pressure on home values, particularly in desirable regional or outer suburban locations,” Dr Nicola Powell, concluded.