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Feb 18, 2021

Kitchen Cabinet Colour Schemes

Are you thinking of renovating your kitchen in the new year? Maybe you want to give your kitchen a little refresh? After a tumultuous year, many homeowners are considering how they can improve their h

Jan 20, 2021

How to create a first-class rental application

Being knocked back in a competitive rental market is disheartening – particularly with the current world challenges at play right now.  Especially if your Saturday mornings are replaced by a 4-hour da

Dec 14, 2020

Surprise Perks Of Selling During Holiday Season

Whilst you may notice the "For Sale" signs being removed to make way for the Christmas decor, and it might seem outlandish to engage in a marketing campaign right before the family tribe arrive, but t

Sep 21, 2020

How to Decorate With Mirrors

Mirror Mirror on the Wall, How do you like this Decor??  Mirrors are a versatile decorative element that can fit with any decor style and multiply a room's best features. They exu

Sep 7, 2020

Completing Agency Agreements

When it comes to Real Estate contracts or agreements, it’s paramount to cross your t’s and dot your i’s! SPACE Property has compiled a list of tips to ensure your Contracts or Agreements ar

Jul 22, 2020

Tips For Buying Off The Plan

It may seem like a regular unit purchase but there is actually a lot more involved when Buying Off The Plan! Following is an easy step-by-step checklist on what to expect with each process: STEP

Jul 15, 2020

How To Add Style To Your Bathroom

Over the last year we have noticed a lot of unique bathroom styles and design trends popping up. With a focus on statement pieces, use of colour and the desire to create a beautiful and functional

Jul 6, 2020

8 Costs To Prepare Your Investment For Lease

So you have bought your first investment property but now need to get it ready for a new tenant. What are the costs associated with leasing our your unit or house? Are these required? There's a